# # # # # TroopTrack - The Complete Scouting Software Solution

Updated Android App, Improved Bulk Awards, Updated Girl Scout Awards, and More

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Hello Everyone,

We are happy to announce the release of an updated Android app that is compatible with modern Android devices. You can download it in the Google Play store here. If you are interested in the Apple version, you can download it here.

Rupert has been hard at work improving the bulk awards workflow. It's easier to use, especially on your phone. We hope you will check it out and let us know what you think. We've been focusing efforts on making it easier to find awards in our various award workflows because there are so many available for you to work on. One of the features we've recently added is the ability to specify what order the awards are listed in - so if you have a particular award type that is used more than others, please let us know by commenting in community.trooptrack.com.

Pushkaraj has been busy updating awards. He's been working from your feedback in the community - if you have other awards you'd like us to update, you can let us know about them here.

Finally, I've been working to make email addresses and phone numbers clickable on the site. If you click on a phone number in your browser, it will launch your phone application, making it easier than ever to reach members of your organization. This feature is currently not working on the mobile app, but I'm working on it.

Do you have anything you'd like to tell us about this product update? You can comment on it, ask questions, and make suggestions on the community here. We love feedback, positive and negative, and really appreciate your encouragment.

I hope you're having a great summer! Stay safe in this heat.



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