# # # # # TroopTrack - The Complete Scouting Software Solution

TroopTrack Email Delivery Status Update

Hi Everyone,

On Christmas Day our long-time email service provider, Sendgrid, suspended our account for suspicious activity. It appears someone created a trial account and used it to send spam messages to a large number of people. Sendgrid didn't give us any warning, they just turned off email delivery entirely.

We have changed our email provider as a result. Due to differences in the way the new provider handles email, certain features are not yet working. Here is the status of each email feature at the current time.

Subdomain Emails (i.e. mailing lists, etc that look like this: committee@troopX.trooptrack.email

- Quick Message works

- Sending from events works

- Sending from Outlook, Gmail, etc works 

- Replying to emails works 

Non-Subdomain Emails (i.e. mailing lists, etc that look like this: committee@trooptrack.com)

- Quick Message works

- Sending from events works

- Sending from Outlook, Gmail, etc DOESN'T WORK

- Replying to emails DOESN'T WORK

If you are still using non-subdomain emails, please consider switching to subdomain emails. Non-subdomain emails are less reliable and more complicated for us to support, which is one of the reasons we created subdomain emails. Subdomain emails also allow for better branding of your emails because they include your subdomain in the email address.

I am also changing the free trial to prevent this type of abuse from happening again.

Thank you for your patience during this difficult and frustrating unplanned transition. 

